Property Selling

Is Selling A Property In Hill Station Difficult Than At Plains?

Yes. Mostly the buyers prefer to buy a hill station property for a ‘dream stay’ during summer or vacations. Dream and expectations about a hill property differs from buyer to buyer and is unique in terms of climate, view, access, budget, plantation, water bodies, electricity etc.

Secondly, the properties in hill stations are unique  so much so that even adjacent properties are not alike in terms of above criteria. This makes it more complex real estate and the probability of a hill property to match with the requirement of a buyer is very low.

Why hill property sellers need Professional Hill Real Estate Advisor?

Property Assessment, Detail Report Preparation, advertising, marketing, presentation and negotiation skills are required to sell a property. A dedicated approach is required when it comes to selling a hill station property. Additional knowledge about specific hill property registration norms, environmental norms, prevailing property rates in the locality, pros & cons of a specific property, upcoming infrastructure development in the hill, real estate scenario, etc are required. A seller can’t be expected to devote so much time and have all these skills and knowledge to handle the property sale hassle free.

Hill stations are less populated, which is good to keep the ecological balance but also makes it difficult to find local buyers for properties here. The local real estate agents in hill station have very little exposure and connect with the buyers mostly located in the cities. Thus, they may also find it difficult to get buyers for the hill property.

The online resources no doubt makes it possible to manage the sale on your own but actually it helps you in few of the tasks involved in real estate transactions and not all. The fact is that these resources are not able to substitute for a for a professional real estate company. Smart & Intelligent sellers/ owners knows their value of time and understand this big difference between the “Post & Pray” kind online Portals” and professional agencies like Hill-Max Advisors.

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Hills & Wills Exclusive

What Hill-Max do?

  • Assist to prepare and stag your property to sell – To “Maximize the Sale Value”
  • Analyzing and suggesting the market price – To “Price Your Property Correctly”
  • Prepare Listing Photography and Videograph – To “Present your Property Professionally”
  • Market your hill property – “We Know When, Where and How to Advertise”
  • Follow up with potential leads – To “Identify the Buyer” *
  • Handle site visits of buyers – To “Save your Time and Money” *
  • Negotiate your hill property deal – To “Get you the Best Terms” *
  • Finalize open ends – To “Close the Deal” *

* Applicable only for Featured, Premium and Exclusive Ad Plans.

Why Hill-Max?

How it is better than Property Portals?

Buyer’s Most Preferred Choice

Due to exclusive hill station property listing – First time in India, world class hill station real estate advisory and un parallel after sale property management services

Buyer’s Most Preferred Choice

Increased probability of sale or quick sale due to listed property’s visibility across the globe and NRIs through different Hill-Max digital Platforms

Buyer’s Most Preferred Choice

Right from photo and video shoot till buyer site visits to the property, Hill-Max local hill office takes care – Hassle free sale in Specific Hills *

Buyer’s Most Preferred Choice

From “Advertising to Registration” tasks of a hill property selling process, everything under one roof Hill-Max under Featured, Premium & Exclusive Ad Plans at low cost

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Independent house, villa, apartment, residential plot, farm house, agriculture land and commercial properties but located in hill stations alone

Click post property menu on the top, fill up the data in the wizard (seller info, property details and property specification), up load the property photos, upload the property video through YouTube embedded code, choose the Ad plan you wish and make the payment online (if it is a paid plan) – That’s it your property will be published in Hill-Max Listing

In about 48 hrs but depends on Hill-Max verification call attended by the user, state & national holidays, etc

Premium (Task Based) and Gold (Lead Based) Ad Plans – Top slot visibility and quick sale probability

Highest visibility, top notch digital marketing and dedicated marketing manager for faster sale of property. This is a task based Ad plan and the Seller pay upon sale on percentage of sale value. It is available in major hill stations only, at present in Chamba, Kanatal, Tehri, Dhanaulti, Mussoorie, Rishikesh and Dehradun.

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